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Fill out this form!





The subject line should include whether you would like to be a MENTOR (who teaches Lithuanian), or whether you would like to be a PEN PAL (who wants to learn Lithuanian).


The message should include:

Name, school, city and country of residence, languages you know, your experience with Lithuanian, availability to meet (in hours), and Skype username.

Preserving and practicing a language


Baltic Bridge is creating a platform that encourages and facilitates the learning and practice of LIthuanian (and gradually Latvian and Estonian) by tapping into an often overlooked source - our peers and friends. We've contacted high schools, Lithuanian community schools, and individual students both in Lithuania and other countries around the world to help teach the Lithuanian language. We hope this platform will help enhance the currently limited resources to learn Lithuanian and support existing language programs in Lithuanian communities and academic programs.  



How Baltic Bridge Pen Pals work




We'll match you to another student and email you the information you need to proceed. You will then be able to contact your Pen Pal to set up a weekly meeting time over Skype. 

Name *

Email *



Success! Message received.

The subject line should include:

Names of Pen Pal and Mentor


The message should include:

After each meeting with a Pen Pal, the Mentor should fill out this form with 2-3 sentences about what was discussed during the meeting and when the meeting took place.

Name *

Email *



Success! Message received.

Current Baltic Bridge Pen Pals (by high school) in Lithuania


1.   Mazeikiu Merkelio Rackausko gimnazija

2.   Kauno Jezuitu gimnazija

3.   Kauno vaiku namai “Atzalynas “

4.   Kauno vaiku reabilitacine Vandos Tumenienes


5.   Kauno KTU gimnazija

6.   Birzu "Saules" gimnazija

7.   Smilgiu gimnazija, Panevezio rajonas

8.   Kybartu Kristijono Donelaicio gimnazija, Vilkaviskio rajonas

9.   Naujamiescio vidurine mokykla, Panevezio rajonas

10. Erzvilko gimnazija, Jurbarko rajonas

11. Marcinkoniu vidurine mokykla, Varenos rajonas

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